SA8000 is the international certification
standard which defines voluntary requirements which employers must conform
to in workplaces, including the rights of workers, workplace
conditions and management systems. In particular the Casalino Carta
will comply with the principles set by the following international instruments:
- ILO agreements
- International Declaration of Human Rights
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- UN Convention for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against
The society is committed to respect the following principles:
- Respect of freedom and dignity of employees/collaborators
- Ban on using child, forced or mandatory labour
- Respecting the right to safety and health at work
- Respecting the union liberty right and collective contract
- The right do a dignified salary and working hours
- Absence of discrimination
- Adoption of a suitable periodic monitoring system for the activities
and of the results of the social responsibility management system
For give to our stakeholders the opportunity to report critical situations
or send complaints about violations of the SA8000, you can download
the "Complaints and Suggestions Form" which can be sent to the e-mail
address: or sent in writing to the address: Casalino
Carta Srl - To the attention of the Representative of workers SA8000
- Nuova Zona Industriale - 15078 Rocca Grimalda (AL) or put in the collection
box of communications at the establishment.